Servicios Personalizados
versión impresa ISSN 0102-5473versión On-line ISSN 2175-795X
BARROS, Suzana da Conceição de; RIBEIRO, Paula Regina Costa y QUADRADO, Raquel Pereira. Sexting in adolescence: problematizing its effects on the school environment. Perspectiva [online]. 2015, vol.33, n.3, pp.1185-1204. ISSN 2175-795X.
In this article, we have the purpose of analyze the phenomenon of sexting in some materials such as magazines, newspapers, TV shows and comments posted on internet, aiming to discuss how this practice is connected to the school. The word sexting is the result of the union of two words, sex and texting. This concept describes a socio-cultural practice that consists of sharing written messages, pictures and videos, with erotic / sensual/sexual connotation , using digital technologies. This work has, thus, a qualitative characteristic and is linked to social researches. For the data production, we used the internet as a research tool. In order to analyze the collected data, we used tools from the Foucauldian analysis of speech. While analyzing the data, we verified that the school is linked to questions related to sexting, because when it is not used as a background for the production of pictures and videos, it becomes an environment for discussion, comments and repercussion of that practice. In addition, the massive media, while mentioning the name, divulging the address and publicizing pictures of the schoolsinvolved in sexting cases, ends up exposing and "punishing" these institutions. We also evidenced that the school is understood as an important environment for discussions related to the sexualities. Given these points, we understand that the sexting has been producing effects on the school, which indicates the need of this instance to discuss subjects related to bodies, sexualities, genders and technologies, going beyond the biologicist approach.
Palabras clave : Sexting; School; Digital Technologies.