Print version ISSN 0102-5473On-line version ISSN 2175-795X
SOUZA, Renata Junqueira de and LIRA, Marcela de Araújo. Which neighbors are these? Words, images and pedagogical practices building meaning for picture book. Perspectiva [online]. 2018, vol.36, n.1, pp.116-136. ISSN 2175-795X.
A picture book is not defined only by the presence of image and text, but by the significatory power that arises from this mutual relation, so that the interaction between the two languages becomes indispensable for the production of meaning. Considering the lack of research on the subject and the need for more visibility on this specific type of work, the following article aims to verify how the interactions between words and images in the context of picture books, as well as propose reading strategies for the work carried out with children‟s literature books. At the beginning, the delimiting elements of the picture book and its paratexts will be approached using the theoretical concepts of Camargo (1995), Linden (2011), Nikolajeva and Scott (2011), with regard to the study of picture books. Next, strategies will be proposed for the reading of Meu cachorro é um cão (My neighbor is a dog) (2010), by Isabel Minhós Martins, from the perspective of Solé (1998) and Yopp and Yopp (2001). The reading strategies suggested herein have as a common point the intention to refute the idea that the images would simply be facilitators for children in the process of becoming independent readers. In this way, the analyzes and the proposals exposed result in a reader who dialogues with verbal, visual and paratexts and can, in this sense, understand better a picture book.
Keywords : Picture Book; Strategies of Reading; Children’s Literature.