Print version ISSN 0102-5473On-line version ISSN 2175-795X
BELMIRO, Celia Abicalil and ALMEIDA, Tatyane Andrade. Picturebook and the metafictional narratives for children. Perspectiva [online]. 2018, vol.36, n.1, pp.151-171. ISSN 2175-795X.
Literature books for children have been increasingly attracting the attention of scholars and specialists considering the sophistication of this production. For example, the presence of characteristics of literature considered postmodern, especially that of metafiction, which deconstructs the illusion of text as an account of the real and reveals its fictional character. When turning to the process of creating the literary text, metafiction exposes its incompleteness and invites the reader to actively participate in its construction, which requires diverse reading competence. In the contemporary picturebook, an object that consolidates itself in the interweaving of different languages, the narrative possibilities are exploited to the maximum, both at the verbal and visual level, as well asin its own materiality. Furthermore, different resources are used in order to highlight not only the text, but also the book object itself as an invention. Based on the studies on the concept of metafiction, this article proposes to observe how the metafictional narratives are constructed in picturebooks and what senses produce in the articulations between the different languages. This text intends to signalize some possibilities of improvement in reading competence, for a more critical and competent reader that such narratives offer. The works analyzed belong, in large part, to the Faculty of Education Early-Childhood Library of UFMG, as well as to the collection of children's and youth literature of the Research Group of Literary Literature (Gpell/CEALE), since it is also consists of a substantial volume of works analyzed for national awards.
Keywords : Picturebook; Metafiction; Reading Competence.