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versão impressa ISSN 0102-5473versão On-line ISSN 2175-795X
OLIVEIRA, Valeska Fortes de e VASCONCELLOS, Vanessa Alves da Silveira de. Imaginary, media and training: what can the teacher in the university space?. Perspectiva [online]. 2019, vol.37, n.1, pp.39-60. Epub 18-Jul-2019. ISSN 2175-795X.
The text presents a reflection of the media referenced in the context of the social imaginary where we discuss our media inventions and the relationships we create with them. The empiricism we point out in this discussion deals with university professors, their relationships and the images that are produced based on the meanings built in front of the student and the university class, in order to understand their pedagogical practices from the social imaginary. The university professors who were part of the research and who are the center of the debate participated in the Training and Personal Development and Professional Development Course, developed by the Pedagogical Support Unit of the Center for Rural Sciences, at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). It is evident that the methodological approach chosen for the construction of the research was based on the biographical approach, which made it possible for teachers to think, reflect and become aware of the knowledge and actions they are building in teaching, (re)meaning their practices. To share and produce knowledge in a space time, referenced in the context of the social imaginary is an invitation and a constant exercise of thinking what we institute as ours, as society that we are, the forms of life that we have invented and our relations with our creations. In this way, we believe that in this relationship, the reading of the instituted also provides an institute, inventing other forms of teaching and learning in the university space, as well as other ways of being a teacher and living in a society of media culture.
Palavras-chave : Imaginary; Media; Training; College professor.