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Revista Educação em Questão
versão impressa ISSN 0102-7735versão On-line ISSN 1981-1802
MULLER, Janete Inês e KARNOPP, Lodenir Becker. Deaf literature: representations in editorial productions. Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2017, vol.55, n.44, pp.121-143. ISSN 1981-1802.
In conjunction to Cultural Studies in Education and Deaf Studies, we aim to analyze deaf representations in editorial productions of deaf people, of different genres of autobiographical character (life narratives, poems, essays and novels). These books circulate in writing Portuguese and compose the deaf literature. It operates mainly with the concept of representation (Hall, 1997), including language as a producer of meanings. In the eleven (11) discursively works analyzed in this article, which was written by deaf persons and are intended for youth and adult readership, there is the search for deconstructing stereotypes attributed to the deaf persons. Moreover, the authors of the books produce positive self-representations, legitimized by its successful examples of life and paratexts that integrate editorial productions. Faced with the struggles and movements of deaf people’s communities and public policies to encourage culture, the deaf writings have conquered cultural territories, expanding the publishing market that thematizes narratives about subjects considered 'different'.
Palavras-chave : Deaf; Deaf literature; Representation.