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vol.56 número50Negación de la política y politización de la educación: la práctica discursiva del Movimiento Escuela Sin Partido¿Qué hacer con lo que la escuela hace con mi cuerpo? Tácticas de estudiantes a la luz de Michel de Certeau índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Educação em Questão

versión impresa ISSN 0102-7735versión On-line ISSN 1981-1802


SILVA, Raphael Alves da  y  PERES, Flavia Mendes de Andrade e. Imaginary collective and memes in digital social networks: the case of the School of Depression. Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2018, vol.56, n.50, pp.88-114. ISSN 1981-1802.

The present work seeks to understand the articulation between the constitution of a collective imaginary about school and its materialization in the discursive genre "meme", in digital social networks. It is a study oriented by virtual ethnography, based on an analytical corpus located on the Facebook page School of Depression (Escola da Depressão). Between January and March 2017, we perform immersions in the virtual space with the purpose of observing the usage practices and analyzing memes published in the page in focus. The studied panorama indicates that its discursive manifestations almost always emphasize a pessimistic view about school, which is not perceived as a space for the manifestation of egalitarian values and free thought. Based on the students' perspective, these materialities state situations that characterize, resignify and criticize school every day with the use of humor; they delegitimize the educational and transformative role of school, but do not present proposals for possible ruptures with the imposed model.

Palabras clave : School; Social networks; Memes; Collective imaginary.

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