Revista Educação em Questão
Print version ISSN 0102-7735On-line version ISSN 1981-1802
FLORES, Taís and GIL, Natália. How much is a teacher's job worth? Career and remuneration (1932-1964). Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2022, vol.60, n.63, e-27139. Epub Feb 22, 2023. ISSN 1981-1802.
This article presents a historical analysis about the career and remuneration of teachers in the municipality of São Sebastião do Caí/RS, between 1932 and 1964. Books containing records of payments made to employees of the municipality of São Sebastião do Caí and the municipal legislation were mobilized as documentary sources for the study. The research was carried out following the procedures of the “historiographic operation”, as proposed by Michel de Certeau (2000). In dialogue with the reference literature in the field of the History of Education, the analysis highlights permanencies concerning to the teachers' devaluation. The examination of the sources points out important aspects regarding the way of joining and leaving the teaching profession, the differences in classification and remuneration of teachers working in the schools of the municipality and also the comparison with the amounts received by other workers in the same municipality in that period. It also presents the analysis of the salary received by municipal teachers in comparison to the national minimum wage, including the equivalence of weekly working hours.
Keywords : History of education; Teaching profession; Teaching; Teacher's remuneration.