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Revista Educação em Questão

Print version ISSN 0102-7735On-line version ISSN 1981-1802


BOMFIM, Natanael Reis  and  GARRIDO, Walter Von Czékus. Social representations about the future of peripheral young people and their contributions to socio-educational practices. Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2022, vol.60, n.63, e-27188.  Epub Feb 22, 2023. ISSN 1981-1802.

This qualitative approach study was carried out in the context of the Subúrbio Ferroviário (railway suburb) of Salvador/Bahia. The objective was to analyze how social representations about the future of young people from the periphery contribute with images that can reinforce socio-educational practices. Supported by the ideas of Moscovici (1978) and Jodelet (2001, we understand that individuals construct social representations from which cognitive images emerge translated into socio-symbolic and affective constructs, which should be valued as social thoughts of socio-educational practices exercised in their living spaces. We used the semi-structured interviews and the AT-9 protocol with the three young people from the Platform Cultural Center, and we analyzed the data according to the precepts of the Argumentative Strategy Model. The results revealed images of possibilities and expectations for the future in which the awareness of social reality is present in socio-educational practices.

Keywords : Social representations; Peripheral youth; Socio-educational practices.

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