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Estudos em Avaliação Educacional

Print version ISSN 0103-6831


GAMA, Zacarias. Avaliação formativa: ensaio de uma arqueologia. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2004, n.29, pp.49-66. ISSN 0103-6831.

In this essay, we intend to develop an archeology for the discourse of formative evaluation, considering the most recurrent utterances in public schools in the State of the Rio de Janeiro. We aim at highlighting the units of this discourse in terms of their continuity, and analyzing the existence of one discourse as being the same. At last we would like to investigate the types of laws they abide by and if they actually correspond to formative evaluation. We have considered the discourses of Structuralism, Cybernetics Systems and   “Technicism”. The results reveal the existing dispersion and the possible options, considering that the use of formative evaluation needs be preceded by great caution and serious reflections because of its conservative tone and of the lack of alternatives for the development of post-critical curriculum theories and of not   questioning the aspect of power.

Keywords : Formative Evaluation; Structuralism; “Systemism”; “Technicism”.

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