Estudos em Avaliação Educacional
Print version ISSN 0103-6831
DAVIS, Claudia; ESPOSITO, Yara Lúcia; NUNES, Marina Muniz Rossa and NUNES, Cesar Augusto Do Amaral. Opiniões de Professores sobre um Curso de Formação Profissional Presencial com Emprego de Multimídias: lições aprendidas por meio da avaliação externa. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2007, vol.18, n.37, pp.91-114. ISSN 0103-6831.
This paper will describe the evaluation elementary school teachers (with a secondary school degree) made of a higher education course, at a licensure level, which was as yet new in the country. The Program of Continuing Education/Higher Education was developed as a classroom course, using different interactive media: videoconferences, teleconferences, monitored work, educational living experiences and cultural workshops. To evaluate the students’ opinion about the course, a series of studies was carried out. This paper describes only the results drawn from two questionnaires, with closed questions, about the relationship the teacher-students established between their participation in the program, the occurrence of substantial improvements in their professional training and changes in their pedagogical practices in the classroom. This questionnaire was completed online and applied twice: at the beginning and at the end of the Program. The data was submitted to various statistical processing techniques so as to yield a synthesis of information, identifying possible differences in opinion in relation to the aspects investigated, according to place of study and university. The results have shown that the main benefits gained from the program were, according to the teachers, the opportunity to reflect about the teaching profession, the theoretical basis they acquired and a better understanding of the teaching-learning process. Criticism was mainly directed at the time the students, who worked both shifts, had to comply with their reading and study; the insufficient skills the tutor had to advise them, and the complexity of the written texts, which made it quite difficult to understand the topics discussed. It seems necessary to improve these aspects for the Program’s objectives to be reached , thus, meeting the expectations created.
Keywords : Higher Education; Course Evaluation; Interactive Media.