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vol.20 issue43Avaliação educacional: para além da unilateralidade objetivista/subjetivista author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Estudos em Avaliação Educacional

Print version ISSN 0103-6831


MOROSINI, Marilia Costa. Qualidade na educação superior: tendências do século. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2009, vol.20, n.43, pp.165-186. ISSN 0103-6831.

This paper develops the state of knowledge of higher education quality from international perspectives that shape the national ones through the process of globalization and identifies the isomorphic, specific, and equity types of quality, and analyzes the roadmap of theses types of quality and their sources. The main source identified is UNESCO and its ramifications, such as IESALC and GUNI. These sources are responsible for the construction of the concept of quality in higher education for sustainable development. Other sources are the so-called higher education associations, such as EAIR, AAIR, AIPU, and OECD. The results of this investigation identified a reduction of the differences between the three types of concept, despite the predominance of isomorphic types. A trend towards the use of evaluation levels in higher education quality and the impact of quality were also identified. It was also identified that the focus of current research is on student and most recently on the alumni community, with the development of the concept of learning outcomes. In addition, the analysis shows that the concept of quality is not clear and is related to whom it is directed and by whom it is determined.

Keywords : Higher Education; Teaching Quality; Course Evaluation.

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