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vol.21 issue45Avaliação das instituições públicas de ensino superior: direções e interesses subjacentesAvaliação da ação afirmativa no vestibular da UFBA author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Estudos em Avaliação Educacional

Print version ISSN 0103-6831


ZOGHBI, Ana Carolina Pereira; OLIVA, Bruno Teodoro  and  MORICONI, Gabriela Miranda. Aumentando a eficácia e a eficiência da avaliação do ensino superior: a relação entre o Enem e o Enade. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2010, vol.21, n.45, pp.45-65. ISSN 0103-6831.

Administering the Nacional Assessment Examination of Student's Performance (Enade) to new students meant a significant advance in the evaluation of higher education in the country: the possibility to calculate a measure of added value of the course, the Indicator of the Difference between Expected and Observed Performances (IDD). A proposal for improving the assessment of higher education in Brazil, however, would be to use the results of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) as a baseline for calculating the IDD. There would be an increase in efficiency due to the non-application of Enade to freshmen, thus reducing costs. In turn, the increase in efficiency would be due to obtaining a better baseline, because of strong incentives to take the examination. In this study, we analyzed the possibility of using the Enem results as an alternative to the Enade results of freshmen in order to calculate the IDD of the courses. When a new IDD was calculated, replacing the freshmen's Enade grade with the Enem grade of these students, we found correlations between this new IDD and the traditionally calculated IDD, of about 0.75, indicating that there would not be a very significant change in the ranking of individuals grades, which would mean that this substitution is quite viable.

Keywords : Education Assessment; Higher Education; Indicator of the Difference Between Observed and Expected Performances (IDD).

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