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Estudos em Avaliação Educacional

Print version ISSN 0103-6831On-line version ISSN 1984-932X


VILELA, Lara; TACHIBANA, Thiago Yudi; MENEZES FILHO, Naercio  and  KOMATSU, Bruno. ¿Las cuotas en las universidades públicas disminuyen la calidad de los ingresantes?. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2017, vol.28, n.69, pp.652-684.  Epub Dec 01, 2017. ISSN 1984-932X.

This article uses microdata from the National High School Exam (Enem) and the Higher Education Census to make simulations of the effects of quotas, and quantifies and qualifies their estimated effects on the access of students to federal universities, including the distribution of Enem scores as well as the cutoff and average scores for quota and non-quota students. The results show that the greater diversity (in terms of public school, poor and minority students) in federal universities caused by the introduction of the quota system has not led to the admission of students with significantly lower scores when compared to the scenario without quotas. This is due to the existence of potential quota students whose scores are in the highest score decile in sufficient numbers to fill the reserved places.

Keywords : Quotas; Public Universities; Public Policy; Academic Performance.

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