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vol.18 número03Mulheres da floresta do Vale do Guaporé e suas interações com o meio ambiente índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Estudos Feministas

versión impresa ISSN 0104-026Xversión On-line ISSN 1806-9584


PAULILO, Maria Ignez S.. Intelectuais & militantes e as possibilidades de diálogo. Rev. Estud. Fem. [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.03, pp.927-940. ISSN 1806-9584.

The purpose of this article is to explain the concept of Nature that founds the ideas and actions of the Peasant Women’s Movement, and to reflect on the possibilities of dialogue between militants and intellectuals. For this it must take into account that, while academic feminism is strongly influenced by the deconstructionist lines of thought, farming women sustain the idea, based on a deeply religious vision, of a natural identification between women and Nature. In pointing out possibilities for dialogue, the paper underlines the importance of lines of thought connected with the sociology of comprehension.

Palabras clave : Peasant Women’s Movement; Feminism; Gender; Family Farming.

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