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Revista Estudos Feministas

versión impresa ISSN 0104-026Xversión On-line ISSN 1806-9584


OLIVEIRA, Mariana de Moraes Duarte  y  JUNQUEIRA, Telma Low Silva. Women Living with HIV/aids: Experiences and Generating Meanings in Daily. Rev. Estud. Fem. [online]. 2020, vol.28, n.3, e61140.  Epub 01-Sep-2020. ISSN 1806-9584.

This paper aims to understand women living with HIV and the way they make sense out of their experiences after the diagnosis of infection. It were conducted interviews with five women, users of a outpatient care in a northeastern capital, whose analysis was based on the methodologic and theory referential of the feminist perspective and in the Discursive Practices and Production of Senses. It were constructed dialogical maps composed by three thematic based on the proposed objectives and it has been analyzed how gender issues, inside a patriarchal and heteronormative society, affect the health care practices and health care. The results reveal for the existence of moral judgement and prejudices that it goes through and challenge the handle of self-care of these women.

Palabras clave : Women; HIV/aids; Vulnerabilities; Gender relations; Health.

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