Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação
Print version ISSN 0104-4036
WERNECK, Vera Rudge. Globalização e educação: uma proposta para a avaliação. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2001, vol.09, n.31, pp.205-222. ISSN 0104-4036.
The article, starting from the ascertainment of the changes due to the globalization, analyzes the phenomenon showing that it is a human production and as it is, it can and should be managed and directed by man. After that, it proposes, two references to the analysis of the phenomenon: the notions of community X society and of people X personality searching for 1st) If the globalization contributes to the changes of the humanity in a community or if it leads it to behave just as a society; 2nd ) If the globalization takes it to a universality of what is essential to a human person realization respecting the peculiar differences of personalities or if it only uniforms the uses and behaviors canceling the individual own differences. It contains a reflection about the teachers' roles stating that his function is to have a reflection about the phenomenon, the evaluation paradigm proposal allowing the new model of globalization to, even indirectly, be controlled and directed to the globalization benefits. It concludes by a necessity of a bigger reflection about the globalization question and the importance of the teachers' action to the positive administration of this new phenomenon.
Keywords : Evaluation References; Community; Society; Person; Personality; Education.