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vol.12 issue45Reforma do estado, descentralização e municipalização do ensino no Brasil: A gestão política dos sistemas públicos de ensino pós-LDB 9.394/96Avaliação de docentes do ensino superior: um estudo de caso author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação

Print version ISSN 0104-4036


OLIVEIRA, Marcos Marques de. As origens da educação no Brasil da hegemonia católica às primeiras tentativas de organização do ensino. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2004, vol.12, n.45, pp.945-957. ISSN 0104-4036.

This article analyzes the effects of the process of European modernization in Brazil, especially in what refers to the delay of the introduction of a teaching structure organized based on in a national system. In agreement with our hypothesis, in the same way as it lacked in Brazil a social movement that it looked for the creation of a scientific ethos, of which the European university system would be the great model, according to Simon Schwartzman's interpretation, the same happened for the constitution of a system of public education, of character secular and universal.

Keywords : Education; History; Catholic Church; Higher education; Basic Education; Republic.

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