Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação
Print version ISSN 0104-4036
SOUZA, Donaldo Bello de and VASCONCELOS, Maria Celi Chaves. The Municipal Councils of Education in Brazil: a balance of national references (1996 - 2002). Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2006, vol.14, n.50, pp.39-56. ISSN 0104-4036.
he present task was done based on an expressive draft of the scientific Brazilian production about the theme Politics, Administration and Finance of the Municipal Public Systems of Education in Brazil, between 1996-2002 which resulted in a summary of 355 published references in the country, corresponding to the production of about 266 authors. From this theme analysis, emerged, between other questions, data that permitted a brief balance about the theoric - conceptual and theoric - empirical production that verse on the councils of the education area in Brazil, referring to that period, focusing, specially, on the references that take as a central object or a secondary one of the Municipal Council of Education (CMEs) and the Council of Accompamiment and Social Control (CACSs) considering three segments from this last type of council: from FUNDEF, from PNAE and from the actual Scholarship Family Program. As a summary of its main results, unitially, it can be showed the fact that no studies were turned to the last two Federal programs, having exclusively, a low concentration of work in FUNDEF. Individual references reign, whose scientific production, mainly, is originally from the Southeru Region, being appealing the worries about the problem of the participation of the local society on councils. Finally, it's na urge for the necessity to understand better the nature and functioning of these councils, turning the objects from a wider quantitative and qualitative universe, focusing, above all, the social intervention.
Keywords : Municipal Councils of Education; Councils of Accompaniment and Social Control; Participation of the Civil Society; Decentralization and Municipalization of Education.