Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação
Print version ISSN 0104-4036
KLEIN, Ruben; FONTANIVE, Nilma and CARVALHO, José Carmello Braz de. O desempenho de alunos dos Cursos Pré-vestibulares Comunitários no ENEM 2006: análise de um possível impacto da capacitação de professores. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2007, vol.15, n.56, pp.373-391. ISSN 0104-4036.
This article presents and analyses the students results from Community Courses for Admission in Higher Education obtained in the Brazilian National Exam of Secondary Education (ENEM) 2006. Volunteer teachers, in a total of 350, were trained to be able to develop ENEM abilities in their classes. Their students received classes and instructional materials related to those abilities and also took a simulated exam with 42 questions from former ENEM. Results showed that these students reached greater means than those presented by the Brazilian and Rio de Janeiro peers in the 2006 Exam. Socioeconomic variables like family income, age and ethnic groups were controlled and it was verified that students’ means were higher when compared to the Brazilian means in the same strata. In general, those mentioned variables are associated to students’ lower results. The authors consider students good performance as a possible impact of their teachers’ empowerment through the specific training and students motivation as well.
Keywords : Community Courses for Admission in Higher Education; ENEM Results; The Empowerment of Teachers.