Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação
Print version ISSN 0104-4036
FIRME, Thereza Penna; STONE, Vathsala; LETICHEVSKY, Ana Carolina and DANNEMANN, Angela Cristina. Capturing the meaning of context for a meaningful evaluation. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.69, pp.873-885. ISSN 0104-4036.
That an individual evaluee is a unique composition of attributes and needs is commonly understood. What is less obvious is that programs, too, have complex personalities of their own, like the individuals that compose them. They draw their needs from their own contexts, and draw meaning from an evaluation, operating in these unique contexts. What is meaningful to one program may not be so for another. Evaluation is influenced by the program's context. Reciprocally, it can influence the context too. The challenge is to fully discover the context with its needs, so results are meaningful to the program in its sphere of influence. Three types of evaluation contexts from the Brazilian experience will be illustrated and discussed in this paper - a high visibility program within a political context; a low visibility program with an unclear context; and a program context with two simultaneously active components.
Keywords : Meaningful Evaluation; Program Context; Evaluation-Context Relationship.