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vol.21 número79A construção de um referencial teórico sobre a avaliação de desempenho de programas de capacitação índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação

versão impressa ISSN 0104-4036


COSTA, Jorge Adelino  e  FIGUEIREDO, Sandra. Quadros de referência para o desempenho dos líderes escolares. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2013, vol.21, n.79, pp.183-202. ISSN 0104-4036.

The recognition of the influence of leadership on student and teacher performance leads to the need to understand this kind of practice in the various educational systems and to draw relevant information to improve the educational responses. Effectiveness is one of the emergent concepts in this area of research and is associated with the definition of frameworks for the school leader’s performance. Based on institutional documents, as well as on OECD reports data, we present a synthesis of frameworks for leadership in schools in several countries. The selected educational systems exhibit school leadership practices perceived as positive, which we have organized in six dimensions: strategic direction, vision and mission; teaching and learning process (instructional/pedagogical leadership); interpersonal relationships and development; organization and management of resources; accountability; relation to community and contexts.

Palavras-chave : Educational Leadership; Frameworks; School Leaders; OECD.

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