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Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0104-4036versión On-line ISSN 1809-4465


ARIAS-ORTEGA, Katerin  y  QUINTRIQUEO, Segundo. Tensiones epistemológicas en la implementación de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe *. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2021, vol.29, n.111, pp.503-524.  Epub 30-Mar-2021. ISSN 1809-4465.

The article seeks to investigate the existing epistemological tensions between the mentor teacher and traditional educator (Mapuche sage), in the implementation of Bilingual Intercultural Education (EIB) in three schools in La Araucanía, Chile. The methodology used is qualitative research, through the application of semi-interviews directed to mentor teachers and traditional educators in charge of implementing the IBE. The main results show that there is a colonial educational relationship between the mentor teacher and the traditional educator, which limits the implementation of IBE. These tensions are associated with practices of minorization, asymmetry and hegemony of Western Eurocentric rooted school knowledge on the Teaching of the Mapuche language and culture.

Palabras clave : Educational Relationship; Colonial education; Intercultural education.

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