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versión impresa ISSN 0104-4060
OLIVEIRA, Teresa et al. Compreendendo a aprendizagem da linguagem científica na formação de professores de ciências. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2009, n.34, pp.19-33. ISSN 0104-4060.
After the contextualization of the Portuguese curricular basic school science reform, an innovative didactic work proposal was presented to be applied in the classroom by science teachers - "design-based research (DBR)". With this approach we intend to solve teachers and researchers problems like the implementation of research-oriented practice and to decrease the gap between educational research and teacher practice. The above-mentioned approach integrates the scientific language teaching, crucial for scientific literacy and scientific culture. The teachers' training, as a challenge to solve those problems is a privileged field for analysis.
Palabras clave : Design-Based Research; Curricular Reform in Portugal; Didactics of Science Teaching; Scientific Language; Training of Science Teachers.