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versión impresa ISSN 0104-4060
PINTO NETO, Pedro da Cunha; QUEIROZ, Salete Linhares y ZANON, Dulcimeire Ap. Volante. As disciplinas pedagógicas na formação e na construção de representações sobre o trabalho docente: visões de alunos de licenciatura em química e física. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2009, n.34, pp.75-94. ISSN 0104-4060.
The objective of this study is to analyze the views of preservice chemistry and physics teachers about the professional practice and the influence of pedagogic disciplines on their formation. Furthermore, it aims at identifying changes in preservice teachers' opinions and beliefs throughout their education. Hence, texts were produced by 54 undergraduate students who were undertaking preservice courses in two public universities in the state of São Paulo, in which they expressed their experiences throughout the course and mentioned relevant aspects about their professional development. The texts revealed that their ideas were consistent concerning many of the views and goals of teacher preparation courses. Their statements reflected desires to share and stimulate interest for chemistry and physics in their future students. Their comments evidenced past experiences they would like to emulate and others they would rather not. They also expressed their worries about becoming teachers who do care for their students. The texts were analyzed by Discourse Analysis, in its French approach, according to Eni Orlandi, especially the concept of discursive formation.
Palabras clave : Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Chemistry; Physics.