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 issueNUMEROESPECIAL02A leitura e seus poderes: um olhar sobre dois programas nacionais de incentivo à leituraImagens em avalia-ação: uma pesquisa-ação sobre o uso de matérias televisivas em aulas de educação física author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0104-4060


FIALHO, Neusa Nogueira  and  MATOS, Elizete Lucia Moreira. A arte de envolver o aluno na aprendizagem de ciências utilizando softwares educacionais. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2010, n.numeroespecial02, pp.121-136. ISSN 0104-4060.

Nowadays, a great majority of software programs can be considered educational. However, which are the criteria for a certain software to be considered educational? In this article we will talk about a study on educational software programs globally recognized, and that, therefore, aim at analyzing their applicability in the pedagogical process in the teaching of sciences, more specifically in Chemistry. The software programs developed by the teachers use themes from daily life and they may be applied to High School students. Along with the results from our research, we will also present arguments that must intensify the concern with a discerning choice of a software program pointed out as curiosity and a relevant pedagogical ally in teachers' methodology and practices, in the art of involving students in the constant and rich process of teaching and learning.

Keywords : Research; Educational Software Programs; Pedagogical Applicability.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )