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 issue42História: consciência, pensamento, cultura, ensinoLa multiculturalidad en la enseñanza de la Historia y el desajuste entre intenciones educativas y prácticas escolares: los retos del presente y del futuro imediato author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educar em Revista

Print version ISSN 0104-4060


BARCA, Isabel. Educação histórica: vontades de mudança. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2011, n.42, pp.59-71. ISSN 0104-4060.

To deeply explore the conceptions about historical change beyond presentist analyses some relevant epistemological debates among diversified views on the issue must be reminded. Although some of them are now out of date, they still have remained at a commonsense level. In the light of an intensive, permanently renovated historiographical production, open to different perspectives and foci, we might infer that, under a framework of multi perspectivism acknowledgement, change in History is conceived in a complex and problematic manner, with no fixed meaning or predetermined direction. In History Education, the students' conceptions on change have been explored in some studies with fruitful clues for educational action. Accordingly, in this paper the theoretical background, methods and results from those studies in several countries on students' ideas about change in history will be given. Some of their implications are intended to contribute as clues to help developing a type of temporal orientation eventually more appropriate to these times of uncertainty we currently live in.

Keywords : Change in History; Students’ Conceptions in History; Epistemology of History; History Education.

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