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SILVA, Carlos Manique da. Raul Lino, protagonista de uma mudança na arquitetura escolar durante a I República Portuguesa. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2013, n.49, pp.83-102. ISSN 0104-4060.

This paper aims to analyze a set of primary school projects designed by architect Raul Lino during the First Portuguese Republic (1910-1926). In our view, the aforementioned projects stated a willingness to change the previous architectural programs. That historic moment brought up a new conception over child development as well as over the educational and social realities, which interfered in school design. This reflection is organized around three entries that put together pedagogical and social concerns which were very present in that historical period: i) physical and mental child welfare; ii) “intuitive teaching”; iii) social image of primary school teachers. On the other hand, concerning the analysis of built spaces, we have adopted as analytical procedures: i) its shape or morphological structure; ii) its function and the activities that take place in them; iii) the relations between different spaces and respective functions.

Keywords : School Architecture; Raul Lino; School Museums; First Portuguese Republic.

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