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Print version ISSN 0104-4060On-line version ISSN 1984-0411
FREITAS, Nadia Magalhães da Silva and MARQUES, Carlos Alberto. Approach to sustainability in CTS teaching: educating for the consideration of tomorrow. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2017, vol.33, n.65, pp.219-235. ISSN 1984-0411.
We are experiencing unsustainable development processes, whose main outcomes materialize; in the growth of poverty and the environmental crisis. The educational field is not strange to the socio-environmental issues, especially when it comes to socio-environmental aspects. In this context, we highlight the importance of a teaching process that problematizes the relations between Science, Technology and Society (STS), which express implications of several orders: namely social, economic, environmental, and ethical, among others. The present qualitative study is part of a broader research. In this context, we aim to answer the following problem: in what terms is observed the insertion of the theme (in) sustainability, in thesis and dissertations, that represents analyzes of practices/actions with STS focus and socio-environmental themes, in the context of Education in Science/Scientific and Technological Education? The results show that about ¼ of these studies have not even referenced the terms sustainability and sustainable. Among the seventy percent of the works that referred to these concepts, little more than half of them included merely mentions to the words. Sustainability can be considered new standard, of thinking about tomorrow and of acting in the present, which demands that it be infused and problematized in all societal contexts, including education.
Keywords : Science Education; STS; Sustainability..