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SOUZA, Maria Celeste Reis Fernandes. Full-time: tensions between the school times and the body times. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.67, pp.159-175. ISSN 1984-0411.
This article seeks to broaden the debate on school time, at full time, through the highlight of the tensions surrounding the school times and the body times. Such tensions were inferred from the empirical material analysis produced in a study which sought to understand the relationship that elementary school students establish with the knowledge in the Full-Time School. The theoretical contributions establish a dialogue between the studies of Bernard Charlot, on the relation to knowledge, and studies of school chronobiology. The study context are 06 schools in an education municipal network and the subjects are students in their final year of elementary school. The data were collected through the balance of knowledge and interviews. The analysis had as its guiding the experience of time lived by the subjects in the full-time. The results show tensions between the school times and the body times in ways of organizing activities (morning and afternoon periods); their distribution throughout the day and the excess of activities that prioritize "the mind" at the expense of the body, particularly in the first day of the week. The conclusions point to the need to consider, in the full-time, the body times, combined with a perspective of integral education overcoming the division body/mind, covering thus the multidimensionality of the subject.
Palavras-chave : Full-Time School; Chronobiology; School Time; Relation to knowledge..