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Print version ISSN 0104-4060On-line version ISSN 1984-0411


ROSS, Paulo Ricardo. From the social condition of disability to freedom: an academic trajectory. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2019, vol.35, n.76, pp.371-389.  Epub Sep 23, 2019. ISSN 1984-0411.

In this article, the visions of society about the person with disability are analyzed, taking as a subject and object of research the professional and their academic trajectory, confrontations, conscience and decision making, spaces and places occupied, teaching opportunities, as much as the scientific production carried out by professor and writer Paulo Ricardo Ross. When a person with congenital blindness becomes head teacher, they can offer subsidies to understand the historical changes of how families, schools and policies have been educating and respecting children, young people, the elderly, women, and people with racial diversity, gender, social origin and belief. The trajectory of the subject reveals the learning, the principles and assumptions built, the barriers overcome, acting to encourage people, mobilize organizations, guide researchers, formulate new policies, stimulate social participation, and subsidize decision makers. Small achievements not only resulted in Ross' joy, but they became a gigantic force, which made him persist, creating a subject dedicated to study every day to be a better teacher and contribute to the formation and dignification of the other. The effort was never interpreted as suffering. Effort is the way to identify one's own abilities, for knowledge without individual and social transformation is not knowledge. Market laws, demands for competitiveness, meritocracy, different forms of symbolic violence, mechanisms for performance evaluation, productivity standards are still confronted with social inclusion discourses, respect for equity, diversity, right to human dignity, and the defense of freedom. Professor Paulo Ross explains that families, schools and institutions will be inclusive when the spirit of acceptance of the other, affective and dialogical exchanges, right to participation, manifestation and appreciation of differences have been enlivened.

Keywords : Academic Memorial; Deficiency; Inclusion.

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