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Print version ISSN 0104-4060On-line version ISSN 1984-0411
BRITO, Silvia Helena Andrade de and MARINS, Guilherme Afonso Monteiro de Barros. Lemann Foundation and the Connected Education Innovation program: public-private relations in the field of educational policies. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2020, vol.36, e77558. Epub Dec 02, 2020. ISSN 1984-0411.
The Lemann Foundation (Fundação Lemann, FL), one of the most active private institutions in education in Brazil, is the subject of this paper. In order to unveil the relationships that are established between the public and private spheres, the general objective is to analyze how the Lemann Foundation acted/has been acting in the Program for Innovation and Connected Education(ICE).The Program, started in 2017, is coordinated by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications. Its partners are the National Bank for Economic and Social Development(BNDES), the Lemann Foundation and the Itaú Cultural Foundation, with TheCenter of Innovation for Brazilian Education(CIEB)as technical advisor of the Program. The documentary sources consultedare in websites on the Lemann Foundation,the Program, and other partners, both public and private, in addition to the bibliographic related to the topics under discussion.Based on those sources, two elements lead to understand how the FL’s interests are articulated in the Program for Innovation and Connected Education. On the one hand, the business logic guidelines are reaffirmed as one of the features of the Foundation’s work. On the other hand, the materialization of the Program on a large scale, mediated by the State’s totalizing command function, gives way for the expansion of capital accumulation, in a historic moment of structural crisis, aggravated by the ongoing pandemic.
Keywords : Lemann Foundation; Program for Innovationand Connected Education; Public-private partnership.