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versão impressa ISSN 0104-4060versão On-line ISSN 1984-0411
MARTINS, Daniel Ganzarolli e SAMPAIO, Shaula Maíra Vicentini de. A school-environment between poetics, narratives and experimentations. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2021, vol.37, e78242. Epub 26-Set-2021. ISSN 1984-0411.
To rethink the clichés that surround both the school space and the environmental education field, we ask ourselves: what are the potentialities that flourish in what we could call the school-environment? By proposing an intersection of boundaries between the terms "environment" and "school", we refer to a school environment that exists in its diversity of affections, encounters and events. Schools are currently the target of ultraconservative discourses that aim to suppress their inventive potential of creating other spaces and temporalities. In the course of this research, we opened ourselves up to the possibilities of inventive environmental forms of education and we also moved towards a resignification of the school space, while we experience the narratives, poetics and differences that inhabit it. In a municipal public school located in Florianópolis (SC), we invited ninth grade students and a group of workers to participate in workshops that enabled experimentations in environmental education on the following questions: what narratives and poetics populate this school-environment? How do these narratives relate to the differences and multiplicities present in this school-environment? The field diary was an important device for delineating these issues. In a collective process of creating other ways of relating to such a space, we carried out different experimentations with narratives and poetics along with this diversity of collectives that exist inside a school.
Palavras-chave : Narrative; Experimentations; Environmental education; School; Difference.