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FERNANDES, Fabiana Silva. Management of Early Childhood Education: challenges, needs and possibilities. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2024, vol.40, e90387. Epub 24-Jun-2024. ISSN 1984-0411.
The purpose of this article is to present some reflections on concepts and fields of action of education management and the implementation of policies that allow delimiting the field of educational and school management and offer possibilities for establishing parameters and indicators to monitor and evaluate early childhood education. The argumentation will go towards delimiting some concepts, distinguishing fields of action in educational management, problematizing conceptions and decisions taken within the scope of policies for early childhood education and presenting monitoring and evaluation as important tools to subsidize the educational management and management of early childhood education institutions with data that are relevant to the improvement of the quality of educational provision in kindergartens and preschools, assuming that there is no municipal policy of early childhood education that meets children in a qualified way, without educational management and the management of the educational institution being imbued with mechanisms to monitor the actions of evaluation of the process and the results obtained. From this perspective, one of the major challenges to be faced is the translation of the policies formulated into practices and actions and the development of monitoring and evaluation processes that guarantee access to and the provision of qualified early childhood education.
Palavras-chave : Early Childhood Education; Educational Policies; Educational Management; Educational Assessment; Education Monitoring.