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vol.21 número38Políticas de educação e formação de educadores: uma relação necessáriaProcesso de Bolonha: reforma e gestão universitária para a internacionalização da educação superior na União Europeia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade

versión impresa ISSN 0104-7043


AMORIM, Antonio; SANTOS, Carla Liane N. dos  y  SERRANO CASTANEDA, José Antonio. Inovação da gestão dos saberes escolares: fator de promoção da qualidade do trabalho pedagógico. Revista da FAAEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.38, pp.115-126. ISSN 0104-7043.

This article aims to analyze innovation in the present management of school knowledge. We initially made some remarks about our education system. We then discuss the importance of innovation for the development of a school where social environment is taken into account. We analyze the management of school knowledge and its contribution to improve education through the management of the education system. We believe it is also important focusing  on the interfaces of different knowledges: sociocultural knowledge, socioeconomic and social personal knowledge, once that they act as key factors in the teaching-learning process and socialization of knowledge. This paper is an attempt to reflect about innovation at school, focusing on the classroom and its pedagogical management, discussing the quality of pedagogical tasks, as a way to producing better results in teaching and learning activities and changing the present educational culture in educational institutions.

Palabras clave : Management; Innovation; School Knowledge; Pedagogical Work.

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