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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
versión impresa ISSN 0104-7043versión On-line ISSN 2358-0194
DIAS, Hamlet Fernández. EDUCATION, ART AND POLITICAL CULTURE IN POSTMODERNITY. Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.54, pp.12-27. Epub 10-Jul-2019. ISSN 2358-0194.
In the article, a systematization of Fredric Jameson’s proposal of “aesthetics of cognitive mapping” is made, thought from the art and with pedagogical purposes. The objective is to deepen the theoretical reflection on the development possibilities of an art-education based on the aesthetics of cognitive maps, a type of pedagogy through art that contributes to the formation of political culture in the historical condition of postmodernity. It is concluded, through an example, that contemporary art, by producing aesthetic and conceptual maps of various current issues, and by the type of communication / understanding that requires of the receiver, can be a revealing starting point for the formation of a subject capable of critical rewriting of the own existential becoming, which implies an awareness of the place occupied in the social reality.
Palabras clave : and education; Cognitive map; Postmodernity; Political culture; Interdisciplinarity.