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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
versión impresa ISSN 0104-7043versión On-line ISSN 2358-0194
MOREIRA, Jani Alves da Silva. POLICIES FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND THE E2030 AGENDA IN BRAZIL. Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.54, pp.77-96. Epub 10-Jul-2019. ISSN 2358-0194.
The text aims to analyze the current policies recommended for the early childhood education in Brazil, in the period from 2015 to 2017. It presents results of the analysis of international documents for the Latin-American context, precisely since the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. In this context, the member States of United Nations (UN) committed themselves to plan and implement the E2030 Agenda, mainly guided by ODS4. It is an exploratory research, which is concluded with a categorization of the main policies for the early childhood education which were recurrent in the statements of the selected international documents, deriving from international agreements and explained in the form of recommendations to the signatory countries.
Palabras clave : Educational policies; Early childhood education; E2030 agenda; ODS4; Sustainable development.