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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
versión impresa ISSN 0104-7043versión On-line ISSN 2358-0194
GONCALVES, Harryson Júnio Lessa; DIAS, Ana Lúcia Braz y PERALTA, Deise Aparecida. THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: A CURRICULAR ANALYSIS. Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.54, pp.155-172. Epub 10-Jul-2019. ISSN 2358-0194.
The article delineates the Brazilian system of Professional and Technological Education and discusses the necessities, difficulties and didactical strategies of Brazilian teachers relating to mathematical content in technical courses of the area of Industry in a public school in Brazil. For this we conducted a qualitative study based on technical visits to the school investigated, analysis of curricula and teacher interviews. The study reveals that, in the different modalities of professional and technical education (concomitant/subsequent), mathematics is presented in the curriculum as what is called “technological base”, and that it must, therefore, be part of the students’ education, going beyond merely instrumental perspectives of teaching.
Palabras clave : Teaching math; Mathematics curriculum; Vocational education; Technical education.