Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
Print version ISSN 0104-7043On-line version ISSN 2358-0194
MORAIS, Cleidiane da Silva. A WOMAN INSERTED IN HER TIME: THE WRITINGS OF FRANCISCA CLOTILDE IN THE MAGAZINE A QUINZENA. Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2021, vol.30, n.63, pp.151-165. Epub Mar 09, 2022. ISSN 2358-0194.
The present work seeks to investigate, in the time frame in the last decades of the 19th century, the role of women teachers in the conquest of public space occupied by male figures, either as inspectors and school principals, or as members of literary and different societies, which have taken on the task of directing the course of issues pertaining to education. The investigation will focus on the trajectory of Francisca Clotilde's as teacher, writer and journalist, always considering the conflictual dynamic that involved her performance in the literate scenario. Their attitude one time constituted reverberations of Catholic conservatism, another time they were modified, even when social roles tried to instill the opposite. These women took the current ideas that designated them the activities in the domestic space, in an attempt to have its importance recognized in the order and harmony of the social structure, and to claim their competence for the practise of functions until then occupied by men, such as those of administrative character, either in Public Instruction, in the Normal School or participation in the debates about the main issues that drove state of affairs at the time.
Keywords : Francisca Clotilde; moral and religious education; teacher training.