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Revista Brasileira de Educação
versão impressa ISSN 1413-2478
VALLE, Lílian do. Para além do sujeito isolado modelos antropológicos para pensar a educação. Rev. Bras. Educ. [online]. 2014, vol.19, n.57, pp.495-512. ISSN 1413-2478.
How can one explain the scant attention education has devoted to the interrogation about the human being? Since the reintroduction of the anthropological issue does not necessarily imply a return of universal truths, nor precludes, by definition, the fragmentation that reality is subjected to, we aim to focus on the interrogations that feed the formative practice and on the (provisional and limited) clarifications that the theory owes it. Among them are, before any other, those that refer to the "anthropological types" of the school: the teacher and the student. This has led us to the critique of the notion of interiority and to the attempt to elucidate the philosophical bases of double isolation on which the contemporary identity is built: in relation to the other - the world, materiality, but also society and social relations -, and in relation to oneself - heteronomy in the process of self-constitution and identity construction.
Palavras-chave : Isolated Subject; Interiority; Anthropological Bases of the Contemporary Subjectivity.