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vol.15 número01Superdotação: conceitos e modelos de diagnóstico e intervenção psicoeducativaEvoluções motoras e linguísticas de bebês com atraso de desenvolvimento na perspectiva de mães índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial

versão impressa ISSN 1413-6538


FRANCO, Monique. Educação superior bilíngue para surdos: o sentido da política inclusiva como espaço da liberdade: primeiras aproximações. Rev. bras. educ. espec. [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.01, pp.15-30. ISSN 1413-6538.

This study aims to present an essay about the current experience of implanting the Bilingual Higher Education Institute - ISBE at the National Institute for the Education of the Deaf - INES. Two factors substantiate this reflection: the dialogue with Hanna Arendt and the conception of politics as a space for freedom. Initially, the scene is set by the current context for deaf education, after the Decree number 5626/2005, that regulates federal law number 10436, which rules on Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS. Next, we trace the basic elements that have constituted the recent construction of bilingual teaching experience at INES/ISBE, with the Bachelor in Education and the main barriers that have been faced. In our closing reflections, we intend to discuss the meaning of inclusive policies within the context of Bilingual Cultural Policies, whereby the historical opening of this course may represent an attempt at greater freedom.

Palavras-chave : Bilingual Higher Education; Linguistic Policies; Inclusion; Special Education.

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