Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial
Print version ISSN 1413-6538
ORTH, Miguel Alfredo; MANGAN, Patrícia Kayser Vargas and SARMENTO, Dirléia Fanfa. Formação continuada de professores em informática na educação especial: análise de dissertações e teses. Rev. bras. educ. espec. [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.03, pp.497-516. ISSN 1413-6538.
This study aimed to map studies done in the sphere of Brazilian theses and dissertations that focus on Computer Sciences in Special Education. This paper is one of the results of an earlier study on the evaluation of further education and distance education courses for teachers of basic education in Brazil. Using the Davies' systematic review method, we mapped Brazilian theses and dissertations available on the CAPES' Repository of Theses published between 1990 and 2009 and that related to this issue. We carried out fluctuating reading of abstracts, titles, and keywords, which enabled us to select 34 dissertations and three theses, grouped and discussed in four major categories. Other analyses and categorizations enabled us to identify some of the major concerns of Brazilian researchers during this period; they also lead us to infer that the increase in studies on this theme is negligible. We were able to detect that there are few studies related to further education (8 dissertations) and to the didactical use of computer resources in education (6 dissertations), both of which are essential for enabling inclusion of diversity of special needs.
Keywords : Special Education; Teacher Education; Computer Technology and Education.