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vol.05 número02Censo do ensino superior 98: uma breve análise da questão do público e do privado índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

versão impressa ISSN 1414-4077


BARBISAN, Aluí Oliveira. Modelo institucional de avaliação da extensão: parâmetros e indicadores. Avaliação (Campinas) [online]. 2000, vol.05, n.02, pp.67-86. ISSN 1414-4077.

Objectives. The purpose of this paper is to build up a Institutional Evaluation of Academic Extension, integrated by a set of indicators that could evaluate the clientele, the institutional structure, the performance and the socials changes attained by the extension activities. Methodology. Pertinent literature was reviewed to assess concepts, terminology and relationships among variables used to evaluate academic extension activities, and develop a classification of the diferents kinds and levels of evaluation. Results. Clentele evaluation evaluates external and internal community; effort and availability evaluate the institutional structure; workload, efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility, appropriateness and quality evaluate the institutional performance; efficacy and side effects evaluate the socials changes. Conclusions. The proposed model has the following advantages: states a common language on evaluation, systematizes set of indicators kinds and levels of evaluation) to be used for all activities, sets up ways to calculate each indicator and allows to every school identifies which indicators has, which should apply to its situation and which must be developed.

Palavras-chave : University; University Extension; Institutional Evaluation; Evaluation Levels; Evaluation Indicators.

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