Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)
Print version ISSN 1414-4077On-line version ISSN 1982-5765
PAIVA, Flavia Melville and BRITO, Silvia Helena Andrade de. The role of CAPES evaluation in the internationalization process of Postgraduate Education in Brazil (2010-2016). Avaliação [online]. 2019, vol.24, n.2, pp.493-512. ISSN 1982-5765. https://doi.org/10.1590/s1414-40772019000200009.
Internationalization figures among the guidelines that are important for graduation programs in the 2000s, including the one directed to the area of Education. In this sense, internationalization started to be one of the valued elements in educational policies for graduation in Brazil. This paper deals exactly to the role that CAPES plays, through its evaluation process, as inductor of the process of internationalization of the Brazilian graduation. The aim is to analyze what kind of internationalization has been valued through the public policies, and its deployment to the area of Education. Documents that express such policies are analyzed, and its impacts for the graduation in Education, mainly considering teaching and student mobility. In this perspective, the difficulties observed are mainly due to the fact that the area of Education is not a priority to the current internationalization process, and can be seen by the little possibilities of foment, or the devaluation of the South-South internationalization, the kind of internationalization which is more expressive to the area.
Keywords : Internationalization of graduation; Graduation in education; CAPES evaluation..