Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)
Print version ISSN 1414-4077On-line version ISSN 1982-5765
MOURA, Mara Águida Porfírio and PASSOS, Guiomar de Oliveira. Undergraduate courses completion rate in federal universities before and after REUNI: the vicissitudes of the policy implementation. Avaliação [online]. 2019, vol.24, n.2, pp.513-525. ISSN 1982-5765. https://doi.org/10.1590/s1414-40772019000200010.
The reaching of the REUNI goal to raise classroom-based undergraduate courses completion rate to 90% is examined by verifying the results achieved in the regions through the parameters set by the formulators. The results of the implementation are analyzed by comparing stipulated ends with the ones that were reached on the basis of the Program documents and regulations, follow-up reports and the Higher Education Censuses from 2008 to 2012. It could be seen that before REUNI, the UCCR in 57.2% of the Teaching Federal Institutions was 67 to 90% and that at the end in 58.5%, from 44 to 67%, with more units coming closer to the latter. The indicator was lower in all regions, with a reduction in the North, which had a lower UCCR of 17.3% at the end, and registered 5 UCCR equal to or higher than 90% during the implementation, while in the Southeast there were 13. The best result was reached by this one in 2012 - 108.5% UCCR, at the Federal University of Alfenas, the worst was reached by the other one, 36% at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia - UFRA whose UCCRs were 102.5% and 64.7%, respectively. Therefore, one already presented the desired results, the other one was far by 25.3 pp. Differences, however, were not considered by the policymakers when they set the goal, highlighting the limitations of their diagnosis or causal model and, fundamentally, how the practice context alters the formulated policies. As a result, the small number of institutions that have reached the goal indicates both problems in the formulation of the REUNI text and the re-creation to which it has been subjected by the context.
Keywords : REUNI Program; Public Policies Implementation; Undergratuate Course Completion Rate.