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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

Print version ISSN 1414-4077On-line version ISSN 1982-5765


COSTA, Francisco José  and  DIAS, José Jorge Lima. Evaluation of the Higher Education by the student: an instrument proposal. Avaliação (Campinas) [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.2, pp.275-296.  Epub Aug 09, 2020. ISSN 1982-5765.

This paper presents a proposal for an instrument for ‘assessment by the student’ as a component of the institutional evaluation of higher education organizations. We developed a report of the process of the instrument construction in three phases: (1) analysis of the previous experience of an institution regarding its professor’s evaluation by the students; (2) presentation of the development procedures for the new instrument, which included assessment of the dimensions relating to professors, disciplines, course, in addition to the student's self-assessment; (3) evaluation of the new instrument and closing of the proposal. In this process, quantitative and qualitative procedures were used according to the guidelines of the psychometric theory of measurement. The results of the analysis of the new instrument showed that the defined dimensions were measured with evidence of validity and reliability, and with potentially useful results for professors and institutional managers and leaders. The study, in addition to offering an instrument with valid metrics, can serve as a reference for other institutions interested in improving their instrument for assessment by the student.

Keywords : Assessment; Instrument; Higher Education; Student; Measurement theory.

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