Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
ANGOTTI, José André Peres and AUTH, Milton Antonio. Ciência e tecnologia: implicações sociais e o papel da educação. Ciência educ. [online]. 2001, vol.07, n.01, pp.15-27. ISSN 1516-7313.
The growing evolution and utilization of new technologies is causing deep changes in the environment and on relations and life manners of the population, putting the individuals facing new challenges, even that most of them aren’t prepared to face them. In order to better distinguish and act in these kind of situations, we propose to develop teaching activities toward a scientific and technological alphabetization, based on historical and epistemological appearances and paying attention to issues as individual conceptions, values and attitudes in their actions in the society. Several studies on science, technology and society (STS) and of environmental problematic in progress served to support the elaboration of this research.
Keywords : Science; Technology and Society (STS); History and Epistemology; Interdisciplinarity; Teaching of Science.