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vol.07 número01O que foge do olhar das reformas curriculares: nas aulas de biologia, o professor como escritor das relações entre ciência, tecnologia e sociedadeLas teorías y modelos en la explicación científica: implicancias para la enseñanza de las ciencias índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ciência & Educação

versión impresa ISSN 1516-7313


GOUVEA, Guaracira  y  LEAL, Maria Cristina. Uma visão comparada do ensino em ciência, tecnologia e sociedade na escola e em um museu de ciência. Ciência educ. [online]. 2001, vol.07, n.01, pp.67-84. ISSN 1516-7313.

This research presents an analysis of children and teachers’ narratives which take place in a classroom and in a museum, formal and non-formal teaching-learning situations. The research dealt with the relations between formal teaching (school) and non-formal teaching (museum), bringing into focus clues and practices which involve, by one side, the CTS movement and, by the other side, scientific and technological alphabetization processes in science teaching. In the final considerations, it out stands the research contributions to the improvement of the science teaching.

Palabras clave : CTS Teaching; Non-Formal Education; Narrative and Paradigmatic Thinking.

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