Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
ANGOTTI, José André Perez; BASTOS, Fábio da Purificação de and MION, Rejane Aurora. Educação em física: discutindo ciência, tecnologia e sociedade. Ciência educ. [online]. 2001, vol.07, n.02, pp.183-197. ISSN 1516-7313.
We have analyzed a processual proposal which has been built through investigations and actions in the formal Physics teaching which seeks the changing of technological equipment “turned into” reflective, inquiring and conscious generating equipment. The process is committed with both thematic dimensions of teaching/learning and science, technology and society approach. The strategy is based in the construction of a investigation-action program. The results show improvement of teachers knowledge in this progressive direction, on the decoding of equipments or on the significant learning of Physics universals linked to the traditional or contemporary technological products, usually known by the future teachers and their high school learners students. We emphasized the split between technology, too accessible to non-reflective citizens, and the not accessible scientific knowledge. This is justified due to the unfolding of the Greek traditional disjunction between techné and episteme and, more recently, by the results of applied sinence as conviction: the imperative improvement of life quality for the progress of the technology sets beyond any questioning. It time to face this split in the Physics/Natural Science teaching and search the links for learning improvement, considering the strong effective interest when students deal with the technological "objects”.
Keywords : Physics Teaching; Action-Research; Science; Technology and Society; Technological Equipaments.