Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
MOREIRA, Marco Antonio. Una visión Toulminiana respecto a la disciplina investigación básica en educación en ciencias: el rol del foro institucional. Ciência educ. [online]. 2005, vol.11, n.02, pp.181-190. ISSN 1516-7313.
The purpose of this paper is to argue that the area of research in science education has reached a level of development that it might be already considered a discipline according to the criteria proposed by Stephen Toulmin. Thus, the institutional forum made up of reference groups, research associations, research journals, and graduate courses in this area must assume its important role in the continuation of such a development. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of two meetings on research in science education are presented as relevant issues that should be handled by this forum.
Keywords : Science Education; Basic Research; Institutional Forum.