Ciência & Educação
Print version ISSN 1516-7313
LINHARES, Marília Paixão and REIS, Ernesto Macedo. Estudos de caso como estratégia de ensino na formação de professores de física. Ciência educ. [online]. 2008, vol.14, n.03, pp.555-574. ISSN 1516-7313.
The work is part of a research project that investigates strategies for the formation of science teachers supported by a virtual learning environment. This paper describes a curricular proposal adopted in a physics teacher preparation course, based on knowledge as a construction and on the teacher’s spontaneous thought transformation. Cases had been adopted as strategy for the promotion of the teaching of professional development, guided by investigation activities about curricular problems. Future teacher conceptions analyzed indicate that the available theoretical knowledge was appropriate for the students and its initial conceptions about didactic contents, methodology and work environment were modified.
Keywords : Investigation Activities; Virtual Learning Environment; Case Studies.